Introduction to Qigong and Tai Chi
Saturday, May 05, 2018 at 12:00 PM
— 03:00 PM
We practice Tai Chi and Qigong to reduce stress, improve balance, control pain and to bring peace and harmony into our lives. Slow, meditative movements quiet and slow down the mind, leaving us relaxed and with a sense of wellbeing. Receive Incredible Lifelong Benefits When You Learn Mind-Body Qigong and Tai Chi Self-Care Practices Proven to:
1. Heal and prevent disease
2. Relieve chronic pain
3. Increase energy & build stamina
4. Reduce stress and anxiety
5. Improve sleep
6. Improve balance & coordination
7. Speed up recovery from injury & surgery
8. Improve moods & support inner peace
$40.00 in advance and $45.00 at the door. To register please email [email protected] or call 805-705-3426