Jessica presented at the 2024 National Qigong Association Conference in Savannah Georgia in Savannah Georgia!

By Qigong Tai Chi on Apr 05, 2024 at 12:18 AM

I am honored to be a presenter again at the first live NQA conference in 4 years!
The conference is open to everyone and I hope you can attend this September 24-26.  I know many of the presenters and there is no doubt this will be a wonderful 3 days of Energy Cultivation, learning and meeting like minded people from all over the world. 

I will be leading 5 Element Qigong: Medicine for Emotional Healing.  It is a simple repetitive form that can help us heal from emotional trauma and wounds.  

The Five Elements are a comprehensive template that organizes all natural phenomena into five master groups or patterns in nature. Each of the five groups—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—include categories such as a season, a direction, climate, stage of growth and development, internal organ, body tissue, emotion, aspect of the soul, taste, color, sound . . . the categories are seemingly limitless. The Five Elements reflect a deep understanding of natural law, the Universal order underlying all things in our world.

I will also include the 5 Element Sound Healing  and Animal Frolics to assist us in our healing evolution.  I hope you can join us in Savannah.  Learn more here