The Intriguing Health Benefits of Qigong: Hypertension and Depression

By Qigong Tai Chi on Jan 12, 2015 at 10:34 AM in Qigong

The Intriguing Health Benefits of Qigong: Hypertension and Depression

Instructor Standwood Chang teaches gigong at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine in Boston. Dominick Reuter for The Wall Street Journal

The Claim: Qigong, a Chinese health practice based on gentle movements, meditation and breathing, has wide-ranging benefits, including improving balance, lowering blood pressure and even easing depression.

The Verdict: Increasingly popular in the U.S., qigong (pronounced chee-gong) has been found in recent studies to improve quality of life in cancer patients and fight depression. Other studies have found improvements in balance and blood pressure. But so far, there aren't enough large, well-designed studies to constitute solid proof of any benefits, scientists say.


Apr 28, 2017 Arrow1 Down Reply
Mary Van Der Kar

I had neck surgery and with Qi Gong and Jessica's help recovered nicely .I found her very supportive and knowledgeable in both Qi Gong and Tai Chi. Her work with Seniors and Medical Qi Gong is very much needed and appreciated.

Mary Ruth Van Der Kar