"Qigong with Jessica Kolbe" has been awarded 2 TVSB's Community Choice Awards!

By Qigong Tai Chi on Aug 10, 2016 at 06:12 PM
Thank you for Voting! "Qigong with Jessica Kolbe" (TV show) has been awarded TVSB's Community Choice award!

2017:  Jessica and her husband Ray thank everyone for their support and voting for Qigong for Balance and Fall Prevention in the Educational Catagory and for voting for Qigong Year of the Red Phoenix in the Inspirational Catagory! Click on the titles to watch the hour long classes!

2016:  Jessica and Ray produce this hour long Qigong Class (about 12 a year) which you can watch on Demand from anywhere or on TV in the Santa Barbara area. It is our mission to get Qigong onto the airways so people can benefit from Qigong for free.  Thank you for voting Qigong as your favorite! https://www.facebook.com/tvsantabarbara/photos/a.415560091804327.116849.403497066343963/1431148900245436/?type=3&theater

Jan 19, 2018 Arrow1 Down Reply

Dear Jessica and Ray, I love your videos! Thank you so much,Susan